We know that you want to be a woman of God who has a strong Faith and is active in your Community. In order to do that, you need resources and opportunities. The problem is that there are not very many resources and programs out that that are geared specifically towards Catholic women. This can make you feel like you don't even know where to start. Or maybe you did find a program or resource, but it is going to require more time and attention that you have to give in your current season of life.
We believe that Catholic women want to grow in Faith and they want to connect outside of the Sunday church pew routine. We understand that the modern Catholic woman does not have the time and ability to create big events at her parish and step away from the hurriedness of life to do this weekly. Which is why we created the space for women to be able to say Yes, to hosting an event at Advent and Lent where all the women of the parish are welcome and invited.
This is a night of growing in Faith with a Virtual Guest speaker presenting on a topic geared towards women of all ages. Follow by a full hour of Adoration + Confessions specifically for the women of the parish.
Here’s how we do it:
1. Hire a guest speaker to present virtually to parishes through Zoom. The speaker will present on a topic geared towards the Liturgical season.
2. Create the flyers and advertising material needed for you to host this event in your local parish
3.Provide a Guided Prayer journal that you can journey with through the season to help you grow in your personal relationship with Jesus, and develop a habit of prayer.
Women at the Well makes it easy for you to say Yes to hosting or attending an event in your parish for One night in Advent and One night in Lent.
And in the meantime, you can connect with us on social media for the October Rosary challenge, book suggestions, saints to follow and to celebrate Marian Feast days.
With Women at the Well Encounter Events you can stop wondering how to grow in Faith and who is going to help you meet other women in your parish.
And instead host an event at your parish, spend an hour in adoration + confession preparing your heart for the season, take home the guided prayer journal to pray with every day and begin to grow in Faith + Community.
Women at the Well is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting and empowering Catholic women to grow in Faith + Community
There are many ways to get involved with Women at the Well, from hosting an Enounter event at your local parish, to journeying through the Abide IN guided prayer journal by yourself or even in a group. Join our community today to make a difference.
We offer Encounter events at Advent and Lent. These are always held on the First Sunday night of Advent and the Sunday before Ash Wednesday in Lent. Learn more about our Encounter events and how you can benefit from them.
Thanks to the support of our community, we have been able to make a significant impact over the years. Learn more about our accomplishments and the positive change we have brought about.
Your donation will help us continue our mission and support our community. Every dollar counts and will make a difference in the lives of the women we serve.
Have a question or a suggestion? We're always here to help. Contact us today and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Are you desiring to bring all the women in your parish together for ONE NIGHT to grow in Faith + Community?