A Disciple group is just 4 women meeting for One Hour, Once a week to grow in Accountability and Authentic Relationships. Participants will make a commitment to meet for 40 weeks to go through a study on the Catechism of the Catholic Church and do Lectio Divina over Sunday's Gospel readings. After 40 weeks each member with prayerfully consider starting their own Disciple group to meet.
Currently Disciple groups are in the Pilot phase with groups meeting to go through the curriculum together and see if the model is working.
The plan is to launch Disciple Groups to the apostolate in 2025... stay tuned for more details!!
A Disciple group is made up of only 4 women. A Coordinator will prayerfully consider 3 other women to invite to a group.
The group will meet for only 1 Hour following the Disciple Structure outlined.
The group will meet once a week at a neutral location (church, coffee shop, restaurant) and not in each others homes so there is no pressure
The group will commit to meeting for One full year. At the end of the year they can Go Forth, and make more disciples
A Disciple Group is four women meeting to grow in Faith together. This 12-month path of accompaniment fosters growth through prayer, accountability, and authentic friendships. The process may take a few months longer than a year, depending on how often the group needs to reschedule and how quickly they go through the material. Each Group has a Coordinator(s), who serve the temporal needs of the group and helps facilitate the conversations by modeling authenticity. The Coordinator(s) are the women who start the Group. This process of discipleship is initiated by the Group Coordinator(s), though the journey of discipling that takes place in the community formed by the four members of the Group. It could be described as peer-to-peer discipling, in that it does not have a hierarchical structure, where one leader is passing along his or her knowledge to the others. Rather, a Disciple Group is made up of four women who are committed to growing closer to Jesus as his disciples by learning together, sharing life in community, and creating a place for accountability in this journey
A Disciple Group is for any woman who has a desire to grow in faith as a Catholic and will commit to adhere to all components of the Disciple Group Commitment. A Group can be made up of women at any level of spiritual maturity, from long-time, committed Catholics to those who are just beginning their spiritual journey with Jesus. In addition to growing as disciples, Group members should desire to be formed as disciple-makers
The benefit of a Disciple Group is that each women will know and grow in the love of Jesus Christ and deepen their relationship with him. Those who have experienced this love and made the decision to follow Christ would never go back to a life without him. The reason for this is that their lives were changed forever after knowing his unconditional love. The truth is that this life is available to everyone who genuinely wants to grow in faith—who wants a relationship with our Lord and Savior. These Disciple Groups are a proven way to help others experience such a relationship. Jesus is critical to our ongoing growth in faith and, as such, our peace, joy, and fulfillment in life. Community, and authentic friendship with those on the same journey are also important. As part of a Disciple Group you will get to learn with and from others, pray for and with one another, and share life with those who will become good friends, in an otherwise incredibly busy and complicated world
Are you desiring to bring all the women in your parish together for ONE NIGHT to grow in Faith + Community?