Women at the Well is an apostolate of Catholic Women coming together grow in Faith + Community.
It is a brand and logo that parishes use to build and establish a successful women's ministry.
Encounter Events are hosted at Advent and Lent to create the space for Catholic women to have a night of encounter in their l
It's so easy to get in a rythm of going to Mass on Sundays but never really finding the time to connect with other women in the parish throughout the week. Oftentimes we realize that the week has quickly slipped by and we are back into the pew on Sunday morning, not really knowing the season of the Church or stopping to learn about our rich Catholic Faith.
Encounter events create the space to prepare our hearts for the Advent and Lenten seasons while allowing us the oppurtunity to connect with other women in the parish.
“Women at the Well” is a great gift to the Diocese of Grand Island. This simple format to encounter, gather and disciple one another is precisely what the Church needs in our time. It is a proven path to grow in holiness. Women at the Well is building up the faith and strengthening the community of believers in the Catholic tradition. Bring “Women at the Well” to your parish and unleash the Holy Spirit in your midst!” ~
— Bishop Joseph G. Hanefeldt , Diocese of Grand Island Nebraska
At Women at the Well, our mission is to create a space for Catholic women to come together to Grow in their faith and build Community.
At Women at the Well we desire to for your parish to use the Women at the Well brand and logo to create a thriving women's ministry within your parish.
Women at the Well offers Encounter events ONE night in Advent and ONE night and Lent where women will gather to socialize, watch a virtual speaker present on a topic for the season and then attend Adoration + Confessions for ONE full hour.
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Are you desiring to bring all the women in your parish together for ONE NIGHT to grow in Faith + Community?